After being sentenced to the Maximum Life Term in prison, the Ponzi prince is headed to back to temporary jail. But soon he’ll be headed to federal prison, where one lawyer says “psycho” inmates could be waiting to stab him.

As the epically slimy financial swindler Bernie Madoff pled guilt this morning, even his attorneys seemed to agree he would be taking up a long, hard, and certainly permanent residency in the clink. Due to the sheer magnitude of his crime and the probable length of his sentence (150 years), Madoff won’t be headed to one of those cushy country-club lockups like the one where Martha Stewart spent five months knitting tea cozies. Presiding judge Denny Chin just revoked Madoff’s bail and banished him to await sentencing for up to three months at the Metropolitan Correction Center in Manhattan. From there, while it’s technically possible Madoff could end up in a maximum-security or “supermax” prison like Sing Sing, odds are he’s headed to a medium-security federal prison, somewhere within shouting distance of his $7 million Manhattan penthouse.